Prayer Stations - from Pastor Theresa Cho. Many options here, listed by season.
BRIM is bursting with interactive stations for prayer and reflection, links to digital resources for liturgical use, and creative content for novice and seasoned worship planners alike. BRIM offers ten complete worship services that can be expanded into worship series, as well as helpful how-to’s for allowing creativity and art to flow into a new or existing worship gathering.
Free Range Worship - freerange worship is a place to swing open the gate and expand your definition of worship, moving beyond preaching and singing to participatory and experiential learning. it’s a place to find resources for creative worship and a place to share ideas too! it’s a place to find resources for creative worship and prayer for family ministries, youth groups, churches, camps, retreats, and Christian schools for in-person and digital online gatherings.
LILLY LEWIN, worship curator E-Liturgies & Prayer Stations from the Iona Community. The Iona Community is:
*An ecumenical movement of people from different walks of life and different traditions in the Christian church. *Committed to the gospel of Jesus Christ, and to following where that leads, even into the unknown. *Engaged together, and with people of goodwill across the world, in acting, reflecting and praying for justice, peace and the integrity of creation. *Convinced that the inclusive community it seeks must be embodied in the community it practises. Lectionary Art - by Pastor Rebekah Krevens. A great price for authentic and relevant paintings for digital media. |