Human Rights Campaign:HRC Foundation’s Welcoming Schools is the most comprehensive bias-based bullying prevention program in the nation to provide LGBTQ+ and gender inclusive professional development training, lesson plans, booklists and resources specifically designed for educators and youth-serving professionals.
Picture Book list
Middle School Book list
High School Book list
Picture Book list
Middle School Book list
High School Book list
![]() Blessed Bi Spirit: Bisexual People of Faith -
Debra R. Kolodny(ED.) & Mary E. HuntReflecting a wide spectrum of religious tradition and spiritual paths--including Buddhist, Hindu, Pagan, 12-step, Christian and Jewish--over 30 contributors speak about the intersections of their faith practice and their bisexuality.. |
![]() Queer Theology: Beyond Apologetics
by Linn Marie Tonstad - Thoroughly grounded in queer theory as well as in Christian theology, Queer Theology grapples with the fundamental challenges of the body, sex, and death, as these are where queerness and Christianity find (and, maybe, lose) each other. |
![]() Welcoming and Affirming: A Guide to Supporting and Working with LGBTQ+ Christian Youth - Written by a team of LGBTQ+ adults, Welcoming and Affirming features first-hand, personal testimonials from queer young adults who have experienced the joys and hardships of being queer and Christian. You'll walk away with a lot of insight, prepared to love, affirm, and accept the LGBTQ+ teens in your community the way God does--exactly as they are.
![]() Queerfully and Wonderfully Made: A Guide for LGBTQ+ Christian Teens - edited by Leigh Finke from Beaming Books. You'll get insight and support from an amazing group of LGBTQ+ professionals, as well as testimonies from young adult queer Christians. Most importantly, you'll hear the good news: God loves you exactly as you are. No matter your identity or where in your journey of self-discovery you find yourself, you got this.
![]() MADE, KNOWN, LOVED: Developing LGBTQ-Inclusive Youth Ministry by Ross Murray
The book helps leaders and parents examine the values of the congregation and youth group. It focuses on keeping young people, including LGBTQ youth, safe and helping them feel respected and see themselves as beloved children of God. Check out three recorded book sessions with Ross and panelists here. |
![]() LGBTQIA+ Youth Ministry Resources -Do you have questions about how you can best serve the young LGTBQIA+ persons in your ministry setting? We took a few of the most frequently expressed concerns and created this simple resource to help youth ministry professionals and lay leaders provide hospitality and welcome to LGBTQIA+ youth and their families.
![]() Another Kind by Cait May &Trevor Beream is a Middle School graphic novel. It follows "six not-quite human kids who learnto control their strange and unpredicatable abilities." Along the way some discover about themselves that they are nonbinary and are accepted as they are by their friends. Spoiler Alert -- the books ends reminding us that love wins.
![]() These Are Our Bodies addresses foundational issues for how we are called to have conversations about our sexuality within a faith community. Looking at sexuality through the lenses of growth and change, we can explore values and intentionality. Individuals and churches can use this technique to build upon this theological grounding. Discusses sexuality starting from the age 3, written by Episcopalians.
![]() Radically Listening to Transgender Children
Creating Epistemic Justice through Critical Reflection and Resistant Imaginations KATIE STEELE AND JULIE NICHOLSON This book is for early childhood educators committed to learning about gender [in]justice as a foundation for creating gender affirming early learning environments for all children including those who are transgender and gender expansive (TGE). The authors engage in progressive and contemporary thinking about gender acknowledging its complexity, intersectionality, diversity and dynamism. *Here's the Comic Version.* |
Queer Grace is an online encyclopedia for LGBTQ and Christian Life run by Lutheran Pastor Emmy Kegler.
Affirming Logisitcs Handout - The Naming Project's simple outline of ministry logistics usable for a variety of settings.
![]() “Colors of Hope: A Devotional Journal from LGBTQ+ Christians” by Melissa Guthrie
Using the Pride flag and its eight colors and themes--sexuality, life, healing, sunlight, nature, art and magic, harmony and serenity, and spirit--readers are invited to reflect, engage, and apply discoveries. The devotions present a range of views, all full of hope, paired with thematic journal prompts and calls to action. The book includes an invocation, introduction, weekly reading, daily reflections, benediction, and list of resources. |