The birthday of the church. God's diverse people speaking in tongues. The Holy Spirit as flame and breath...what more do you need for inspiration to get creative with worship for all ages?!
The congregation of Faith Presbyterian blowing "Holy Spirit bubbles" on Pentecost.
Together, sing “Spirit of the Living God,” (UMH 393) a few times to help make a connection. These motions may be helpful:
Spirit of the living God Stand and reach up with both hands Fall afresh on me Bring hands down onto head and then shoulders (repeat first two lines) Melt me Hands in front as if moving in a puddle Mold me Lift hands, as if molding a body in clay Fill me Open arms above head Use me Reach out hands in service (repeat first two lines) |
The Day When God Made Church: A Child’s First Book about Pentecost by Rebekah McLeod Hutto, Illustrated by Stephanie Haig. Draws readers of all ages into the Acts 2 story of Pentecost. Haig’s illustrations give deep meaning to Hutto’s child-like words that tell how the disciples wait…wait…WAIT in the Upper Room.
The Sanctified Art website has creative designs, Bible video and bulletin art for Pentecost. Connect with these four amazing artists and get a free download fo a Pentecost scripture in action three minute video.
Children’s Message: Pentecost and the Holy Spirit- Use this creative message to help kids experience what may have happened on the day of Pentecost.
Celebrating Pentecost at Home by Jay LaNunziata offers historical context for the Feast of Weeks alongside an array of activities to enjoy at home or at a community gathering.