Did Jesus have anything to say about the environment? With over 1,000 references to the earth in the Bible, the message is clear. All of God's creation are inextricably linked together. As Creation cares for us, we too are called to care for creation. Read the scripture through this lens of creation care. Youth for Monarchs - The Youth for Monarchs project is a scripturally grounded service-learning project, for congregations of all denominations, developed to engage youth ministries in the nationwide effort to save one of God’s most amazing creations, the monarch butterfly. This website is a toolkit and its pages include everything youth leaders need to inform youth, engage the community, take action, teach the importance of creation care, and collectively make a measurable difference in the survival of a species.
Climate Change & Environmental Justice Holden Village Anti-Racism Group March/April 2021
These resources were compiled in spring 2021 by members of Holden Village’s anti-racism group which meets weekly in the Village. It is meant as a starting point and is by no means exhaustive. If you have any suggestions of things to add, please email [email protected]. God's World in Community: a Creation Care resource from GenOn Ministries gives people in your church hands-on ways to apply their faith to the stewardship of God’s creation. This seven-session resource brings people of all ages together and can be used indoors, outside, in small or large groups, at church or at home.
Using Psalms and Genesis 1, explore Creation, Light, Sky, Land, Stars, Sea, and People – through Scripture, a Creation care or enjoyment activity, and a sung or spoken prayer. Each session can be 20 minutes or longer, depending on time allotted for the Response section. Purchase the full resource for $18.50 (includes permission to send to anyone in your church). Contact [email protected], Lutherans Restoring Creation - believe that being earthkeepers is foundational to our Christian vocation and should be integral to the full life and mission of the ELCA.
Ten Ways to Care for Creation - A two page toolkit from the Reformed church.
Wondering God - Join Pastor Jen Kindsvatter for storytelling about creation, from Lutherhill Lutheran Camp in TX.
Noticing God in Creation - VBS in a Bag 2020 from St. John's Episcopal Church comes a FREE resource for families to do together at home.
Dig This: 10 Big Benefits of Gardening with Kids - by Janeen Lewis
The Compassion Project
Mrs. Meyer’s believes that just like a flower, compassion can be grown—all it takes is planting the right seeds and some steady care. Using lessons from the garden, The Compassion Project seeks to help parents grow compassion in their kids with the mission of growing a kinder world, one seed at a time. Lutheran Outdoor Ministries VBS Curriculum - Get all you need to run your own Vacation Bible School program, without paying for pricy boxed sets! The VBS Package includes: Curriculum Development Bundle, Preschool Bible Study, Day Camp/Lower Elementary Bible Study, Upper Elementary Bible Study, The Water of Life” Crafts, The Water of Life” Games, The Water of Life" Graphics. Price: $100
Francis and Friends - Written by Episcopalian Pastor Rich Nelson, Francis and Friends is a "faith and nature" resource to meet kids where they are and then get them back outdoors: to be filled with awe and wonder and to strengthen family bonds. Francis and Friends is built upon the loving, inclusive teachings of St. Francis of Assisi and St. Clare and it centers each child’s life in the Great Commandment to love God with all our Heart, Soul, Mind and Strength.
Children and Youth Books:
Chicken and Cat - An early reader book (no words) by Sara Varon invites you into city life and the benefits of a garden.
Reuse This Book - by Emma Morris is a clever board book about the 3 Rs.
I Love Birds!: 52 Ways to Wonder, Wander & Explore Birds with Kids - author Jennifer Ward. Become familiar with the birds in your neighborhood and beyond—52 activities for kids ages 4 to 8
Follow the Moon Home: A Tale of One Idea, Twenty Kids, and a Hundred Sea Turtles - A older elementary children's book about young people exploring the world around them and doing something about local needs, in this case turtle nesting. Written by Philippe Cousteau & Deborah Hopkinson Illustrated by Meilo So
Water Boy - A children's book that takes us on the journey from fear to enjoyment to conservation of water. Written and illustrated by David McPhail
In this compelling middle-grade graphic novel The Leak, Ruth, a young journalist, is determined to uncover a secret that threatens her town. Ruth Keller is brash and precocious; she argues with her dentist, her parents, and her teachers. So, when she discovers a strange black slime in the man-made lake of her suburban neighborhood, she decides to investigate. Fortified by the encouragement of those around her, Ruth seeks the truth at all costs, even if it means taking on the rich local country club owner, who she believes is responsible for the pollution. From writer Kate Reed Petty and illustrator Andrea Bell, comes a story about corruption, pollution, and freedom of the press, and the young journalist at the center of it all.
Websites and Curriculum:
Nature Works Everywhere - Nature Works Everywhere gives teachers, students and families everything they need to start exploring and understanding nature around the globe alongside Nature Conservancy scientists. Our interactive lesson plans align to standards and can be customized for each classroom. Over 50+ short videos structured by age of children/youth.
Climate Change and Hunger Toolkit - From the ELCA comes curriculum with low, medium and high activity levels. Good for intergenerational events.
Ecological Christianity through Luther’s Small Catechism - This is back to the basics, with a broader ecological perspective. Each piece of the Catechism is followed by a learning question, then by a suggested participatory action. You may use this personally, or print one section each week in your bulletin, or adapt it for confirmation classes. This is only one way to try seeing the entirety of our faith as permeated with creation care.
Ryan the Rhino - From the Episcopal/Anglican tradition in South Africa comes a well thought out resource to discuss creation care. In addition to the content the expecations for intergenerational as well as how to talk with kids is well worth a look.
Children and Youth Going Green - ECI is a project initiated by the Church in Society Forum – a standing committee of the Irish Inter-Church Meeting. The Roman Catholic, Church of Ireland, Presbyterian and Methodist churches are involved as well as the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). Resources include Worship and Teaching, Children’s (Acorns to Oaks) and Youth Work (Tread Gently), Property and Grounds Management, Finance and Waste, Personal Lifestyles, Working with the Local Community and Thinking Globally. All free to download.
Creation Care Camp Curriculum - A Rocha, an Evangelical nonprofit offers camp material suitable for grades K-6. The day-camp curriculum invites a sense of wonder and teaches children about creation and Creator by combining God’s word, science, and hands-on activities. Campers learn about the particulars of their place through exploring and discovering local plant and wildlife, habitats, and water systems while learning and applying biblical stewardship and discipleship to their interaction with the people and place around them.
Healthy Kids, Healthy Churches, Healthy Creation - From the National Council of Churches, The Healthy Kids, Healthy Churches, Healthy Creation curriculum provides an easy-to-use guide for initiating conversations about environmental health and how our consumer choices impact human health and Creation. This curriculum encourages people to draw on their own experiences, think about caring for human health as a spiritual practice, become informed, and to take action to better manifest God’s love in the world. It is intended as a four-week adult Christian education course on protecting health and community wellbeing as people of faith. However, each section can stand alone as a one time class.
Eco Toolkit on Watersheds - From the Minneapolis Area Synod, this toolkit can be used in many ways and spans crossgenerationally. It includes litanies, prayers and sermon suggestions, as well as very pragmatic opportunities to improve the property and grounds with which your congregation is entrusted. It suggests actions that individuals and congregations can take to stretch their connection to the neighborhood as well as their liturgical life
Know Trash/No Trash - Created by Lutherans Restoring Creation in partnership with Lutheran Community Foundation for the 2012 ELCA National Youth Gathering. This twenty-four page document gives you the tools to host your own "Know Trash, No Trash" exhibit to teach about consumption and trash.
Lutheran World Federation "Together Green and Just" - This resource has been written to support youth groups and camp teams to engage deeply around the issues of eco-justice. It contains activities, bible studies and background materials that can be used with groups of young people of any size without too much advance planning.
Interfaith Power and Light - Children, MS and HS resources as well as worship resources. The mission of Interfaith Power & Light is to be faithful stewards of Creation by responding to global warming through the promotion of energy conservation, energy efficiency, and renewable energy. This campaign intends to protect the earth’s ecosystems, safeguard the health of all Creation, and ensure sufficient, sustainable energy for all.
Operation Creation - A Vacation Bible School curriculum from a New Community Project , started by Lutheran Pastor and Professor David Rhoads. In addition to VBS, several skits and other creative arts and curriculum available. The website is a bit dated when navigating the depth of its resources but worth the searching.