Visual Lectionary - Get FREE images designed by a Lutheran pastor sent to your inbox every week to help tell the Good News!
God's Word, My Voice: A Lectionary for Children by Lyn Zill Briggs. Want the children in your congregation to leave with God’s Word on their lips and in their hearts? This collection of The Revised Common Lectionary readings Track 1 (Old Testament, Psalm, New Testament, and Gospel), are paraphrased for children to be read aloud in Sunday morning worship, will help kids easily read and understand the word God has for their lives.
NIV Readers's Bible - When having children read the Bible during worship consider the NIV Reader's Bible for ease of understanding. We want to set them up for success!
Illustrated Children's Ministry - Lectionary based as well as theme based illustrated resources for the church and the home, encouraging creativity and active engagement with faith.
Sundays and Seasons - from Augsburg Fortress Press. The regular feature of Sundays and Seasons, “Let the Children Come” includes a paragraph about connecting the day’s lectionary texts and liturgical season to worship and children for each Sunday and festival in the church year. It is available in both the online and print versions of Sundays&Seasons.