Our Promise to Baptized Children - a brief helpful article from Living Lutheran, written by PhD. Dawn Rundman, Director of Faith Formation and Assistant Director of ELCA Relations for Augsburg Fortress.
ELCA Children, Youth and Family Ministry Network - The ELCA Youth Ministry Network exists to strengthen and empower adult youth ministry leaders in service to Christ as a part of God's mission.
Building Faith - An Episcopalian website that curates tons of resources and offered by the Center for Teaching at Virginia Theological Seminary, connected with Forma.
PRC-Practical Resources for Churches -
They look for practical, cost effective solutions for each request in walking alongside a congregation. No question is too large or too small. You are gonna wanna especially check out their free regular webinars! Children's Ministry Toolk Kit - from the Reformed Church. Children’s ministry leaders are faith activators. They form faith-nurturing relationships while providing space for children to experience God as they hear and respond to God’s story in ways that are specifically geared to their ages and developmental stages.
Yale Youth Ministry Instititute - Our Mission is to promote adolescent faith and flourishing in a diverse and changing world by conducting scholarship, equipping leaders, and resourcing youth ministries in and beyond Christian churches.
Milestones Ministry - Provides congregations and households with products, seminars/instruction, and coaching to nurture the Christian faith and reach out to others with the love of God in Christ.
Peer Leadership Ministry - led by Lyle Griner
What will transform your ministry? Relationships and leadership! With early teen, HS, Young Adult and College resources, you are going to want to check this out! Luther Seminary offers a School for Lay Ministry Learning Communities for only $600 (which includes being able to share the curriculum with your whole church.) From preaching and teaching to providing pastoral care or designing worship, lay leaders serve their congregations in a variety of roles – often without the theological background or seminary degrees their colleagues may have. With the School for Lay Ministry, you’ll spend an entire year immersed in engaging course studies, new ideas, and a vibrant learning community of peers.
There are a limited number of partial scholarships for the Fall 2024! The scholarships also apply to these offerings: Scholarship Offerings:
Now offering a membership that gives people access to over 20 on-demand courses (we publish about 24 a year, so they get future access as well). It also includes our live monthly workshop and regular events: https://faithlead.org/getmembership/ The Ministry Lab curates and creates resources to generate experimentation and innovation in diverse ministry settings by pooling the wisdom and resources of the Minnesota Annual Conference United Methodist Church, Minnesota Conference United Church of Christ, Presbytery of the Twin Cities Area, The Synod of Lakes and Prairies (PCUSA), and United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities.
Also Remember...Good Teaching Includes Staying Informed:Fuller Youth Institute has a book out called "Growing Young: Six Essential Strategies to Help Young People Discover and Love Your Church"
Wondering about Wondering?? - Read this short article by DWELL to better understand the IMPORTANCE of wondering.