Check out these handbell resources for very small groups!
Sing and Dance and Play with Joy! Inclusive Songs for Young Children Words by Jann Aldredge -Clanton: Music by Larry E. Schultz-This collection offers a theologically rich and musically flexible resource for those who lead young children in music experiences in the church or at home. The songs include feminine and masculine references to God to teach the foundational biblical truth that male and female of all races are created equally in the divine image (Genesis 1:27). The music, teaching ideas, and activities can enhance the work of preschool church music groups and children's choirs, and can be used in Church School classes, Vacation Bible Schools, daycare programs, music camps, and worship experiences for young children.
Imagine God - A Children's Musical Exploring and Expressing Images of God-sheet Music (Choristers Guild) Paperback –Words by Jann Aldredge -Clanton: Music by Larry E. Schultz -Unison/two-part with piano, C instruments, chime tree, woodblock, triangle, suspended cymbal and optional Orff instruments o This musical offers children a multi-sensory approach in expressing numerous images of God as revealed in the Bible. Through a variety of feminine, masculine, and non-gender images of God, this musical contributes to an expansive theology of God and invites children and adults to believe that the great Creator of the universe lives within them.
Go Fish - fast paced songs for Children's Chapel *Not gender inclusive, don't recommend 10 Commandments Song "Bugs for Lunch" about John the Baptist - Check out Youtube just be care about the theology.
Piggyback Psalms: 100+ Bible Songs to Tunes You Know by Emily La Branche Delikat
Includes 11 creative ways to use Piggyback Psalms at church and home, as well as helpful lectionary index. GenOn Ministries offers "Children of God Songbook." Written by Ned Wetherald, Director of Music Ministry at the State College Presbyterian Church in State College, PA.
Worship Arts Songbook - Sing From the Heart!
This resource was created to help encourage young people to develop as worshipers who sing “with good courage.” It is written in a wide range of musical styles that include motion, rhythm, instruments, and movement. 11 songs with full accompaniments, words only, and melody only, best practices for singing, bucket drumming and handbells, and suggestions for age groupings and leadership. Justin Roberts -GRAMMY Nominated, Justin Roberts is truly one of the "all-stars" of the indie family music scene. Justin and The Not Ready for Naptime Players dish out unexpectedly intelligent and whimsically rocking music for kids and their parents. "Why Not Sea Monsters?" Old Testament and New Testamant albums great for children's chapel. ChildrenSing from Augsburg Fortress Publishers includes anthems that span the church year for singers aged 8 to 12 years, in a creative and economical format. To facilitate the process of learning to both read and make music, these collections include both the complete score with accompaniment for the director and a reproducible melody line version for the singer. And ChildrenSing 2 for Young Children! A collection of ten anthems for the youngest singers, each incorporating part of a familiar hymn into the musical fabric of each piece. LicenSing Online - Whether printing worship aids or projecting lyrics, LicenSing Online offers and easy, low coast way to support the needs of your ministry and comply with copyright law.
Songs for Unsettled Times - From Music that Makes Community Short, come simple melodies that are a powerful balm and can be treated as pocket/zipper songs, which allow us to add words, names, and feelings specific to our context.
From A Sanctified Art, Singing Together But Apart - Congregational Song for Online Worship curated by Slats Toole, |