From the Reformed Church,
Ten Ways To Be a More Intergenerational Church - A two paged toolkit. Intergenerational Worship - from Pastor Theresa Cho.
Several practical options for various seasons. Prayer Stations - from Pastor Theresa Cho.
Many options here, listed by season. |
*GenOn's survey on the necessity for intergenerational churches. They believe that this kind of ministry is critical to healthy, thriving churches.
GenOn Ministries provides coaching, consulting, curriculum and resources for intergenerational ministry. Check out sample resources here.
One example is Sunday LIFT - Intergenerational Community, Sunday LIFT (Living in Faith Together) invites all ages to share food, learn, worship, and have fun in small groups around tables. Using 1-2 key leaders to prepare and guide sessions — not teachers for multiple classes — it replaces or supplements traditional Sunday school and provides stand-alone 45-60 minute sessions. |
Spirit and Truth Publishing - Produces intergenerational faith formation resources for confirmation, children and at home. Check it out here. The publisher, Gregory Rawn, received his MA from Luther Seminary and graduated from the Institute of Children's Literature.
One Bread, One Cup, One People: An Intergenerational Event on the Lord's Supper - from the Christian Reformed Church comes a well outlined discussion and activity for all ages. Could be used Maundy Thursday.
Cross+Gen Life by Faith Ink -Connect the wisdom of the elder and the wonder of the child every week in church, and in each others’ prayers every night in every home. Bible songs, seasonal and conversation curriculum available.
Below is a presentation about "Virbrant Practices for Intergenerataional Worship" based on learnings from Thursday Night Live at Virginia Theological Seminary.
Vibrant Faith Faith Formation -Chalked full of good background material on the benefits of intergenerational ministry as well as resources for how to do it. Check out this link here for a specific resource. And Ten Ideas for Family Faith Formation from Catholic, John Roberto.
Illustrated Children's Ministry - Lectionary based as well as theme based illustrated resources for the church and the home, encouraging creativity and active engagement with faith.
The Bread of Life (PDF download) - by Nancy Cocks from the Iona Community comes an all-age communion for Lent.
Focusing on bread and including a drama script and a child-friendly communion service. Friends of the Lord (PDF download)
- by Nancy Cocks A lively service about friendship, for all ages, including one of the author’s ‘Fergie the Frog’ stories, a ‘Jesus & Peter’ dialogue on the model of those created by the Wild Goose Resource Group, a version of the story of Zacchaeus, friendship bracelets and more besides. Hunger for Justice (PDF download)
- by Nancy Cocks ‘What's for dinner tonight, mum?’ A service for all ages about not having enough to eat and about being hungry to share what we have. Includes a drawing/colouring activity. Home Grown Faith
Like a farmers market, HomeGrown Faith invites the exchange of fresh ideas and support for one another in the nurturing of an organic faith in Jesus Christ, deeply rooted, generative, and sustainable for a lifetime. Invite her to speak about intergenerational ministry or read one of her publications here. Family Faith Formation Toolkit -from the Christian Reformed Church
Go to Grow - This program planner from the ELCA is intended to assist Christian education leaders as they engage adults, youth, and children in a life of discipleship. Grow to Go is designed to especially help you equip children to be “disciplemakers” and to instill an assurance in their identity that they too are called to “go tell."
Intergenerational Worship Like Thanksgiving Dinner-At First Presbyterian the church has made strides toward intergenerational worship. They’ve boosted the participation of all ages at the Sunday service, launched a weeklong children’s camp on worship, started a church-band mentoring program, published a pew booklet on worship and held a churchwide worship workshop.
*For sure read about the Church-Band Mentoring Program; “You have to build a farm team, not leave it to chance that young people will be an active part of the church community,” Tornborg said. “If you want to get youth involved in Sunday morning worship, make them stakeholders.” |
Intergenerational staycation! The schedule is chocked with meals, sing-a-longs, storytelling, art and service projects and worship. For more information, please contact Vanessa Bradby [email protected]
Intergenerational Podcast - An Interview with intergenerational ministry expert the Rev. Melissa Cooper that includes things to consider when planning intergenerational worship and preparing for intergenerational preaching.
Music That Makes Community - YouTube examples of songs that don't require sheet music, thus are good for intergenerational worship.
Their monthly intergenerational event is called Traveling Together Sunday at Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church in New Hampshire. As a group, create a scene of a Bible story out of play-dough. Have everyone go around and try and guess the scene and then have the story read out of the Spark Children's Bible.